
Kids Monday 040515

WOD 3 Rounds 20 mountain climbers 10 pullups  20 front squats 10 burpees Run Challenge 3x Hollow Rock/Hold Plank Monday Kids Class 4:30pm Wednesday Kids Class 5pm If you have any questions with kids classes please email [email protected] Reminder no Sunday Class due to seminar

By | May 1st, 2015|Fitness, KIDS|Comments Off on Kids Monday 040515

Monday 010615

Rest Day Passive Testing Mobility Skill - Work a weakness Catch up Day

By | May 1st, 2015|Fitness, WOD|Comments Off on Monday 010615

Thursday 300414

"Tabata Something Else" Complete 32 intervals of 20 seconds of work followed by ten seconds of rest where the first 8 intervals are pull-ups, the second 8 are push-ups, the third 8 intervals are sit-ups, and finally, the last 8 intervals are squats. There is no rest between exercises. Post total reps from all 32 [...]

By | April 30th, 2015|Fitness, WOD|Comments Off on Thursday 300414