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So far Mick has created 2627 blog entries.

Kids Wednesday 261016

Term 4 Week 3 Skill: 3x or 5:00 2 forward rolls => 2 wall walks => fast feet x10 => bear crawl => 25-meter back pedal => 25-meter side shuffle WOD: Partners: 2 rounds 50 tuck jumps 40 burpees 30 sit-ups 20 lunge steps 10 push jerks 5 strict pull-ups 400-meter run Rest 3 mins Skill: 5:00-10:00 Ring play [...]

By | October 17th, 2016|Fitness, KIDS|Comments Off on Kids Wednesday 261016

Kids Monday 241016

Term 4 Week 3 Kids WOD Skill: 3x or 5:00 10 mountain climbers => 10 jumping jacks => 10 pushups => 3 broad jumps => 10 side-to-side hops, each leg WOD: 7:00 AMRAP 7 hang power cleans, 7 pull-ups Skill: 10:00 Wall walk-ups/Handstands Monday Kids Class @ 5pm Wednesday Kids Class @ 5pm If you have any [...]

By | October 17th, 2016|Fitness, KIDS|Comments Off on Kids Monday 241016

Kids Wednesday 191016

Term 4 Week 2 Kids WOD WOD: 3 x 6:00 AMRAPs, rest 3:00 in between Cindy 5 pull-ups 10 push-ups 15 squats Skill: 5:00-10:00 Double-under or single-under practice Monday Kids Class @ 5pm Wednesday Kids Class @ 5pm If you have any questions please email [email protected]

By | October 17th, 2016|Fitness, KIDS|Comments Off on Kids Wednesday 191016

Monday 171016

Complete 5 rounds for time of: 15 Hang squat clean & jerk 95 pounds, Run 400 meters

By | October 17th, 2016|Fitness, WOD|Comments Off on Monday 171016

Sunday 161016

For time: 20 Handstand push-ups 40 Pull-ups 10 Handstand push-ups 20 Pull-ups 5 Handstand push-ups 10 Pull-ups

By | October 16th, 2016|Fitness, WOD|Comments Off on Sunday 161016