Tuesday 011116
Five Rounds 21 KB Swings 24/16 21 KTE 21 Double Unders
Five Rounds 21 KB Swings 24/16 21 KTE 21 Double Unders
Term 4 Week 5 Skill: 3x or 5:00 2 wall walks => 20 side to side hops => 10 squats => 10 second bar hold => 5 push-ups WOD: 3 Rounds 1 Mintue Stations Box jumps Burpees KB Swings Push press Row Skill: Toes to Bar Practice Monday Kids Class @ 5pm Wednesday Kids Class [...]
Term 4 Week 5 Skill: 3x or 5:00 10m Bear crawl => 20 mountain climbers => 15 tuck jumps => 10m commando crawl => 1 forward roll WOD: 5 Rounds 12 deadlifts 12 overhead Squats 12 pull-ups Skill: 5:00-10:00 Bar holds Monkey holds Monday Kids Class @ 5pm Wednesday Kids Class @ 5pm If you [...]
Run 1200m 50 Wall-ball shots Row 500m 35 Wall-ball shots Row 500 meters 20 Wall-ball shots Run 1200m
Rest day Gym Closed today
21-15- and 9 rep rounds for time of: Pull-ups BW Bench press