
Sunday 230815

24 inch Box jump, 25 reps 25 Pull-ups Rest 22 inch Box jump, 25 reps 20 Pull-ups Rest 20 inch Box jump, 25 reps 15 Pull-ups Rest Repeat each of the three couplets. Notes: 1. Complete the pull-ups in as few sets as possible. 2. Compare the time for the first three couplets to the [...]

By | August 23rd, 2015|Fitness, WOD|Comments Off on Sunday 230815

Saturday 220815

Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of: Powerclean/Push-press 5RM load

By | August 22nd, 2015|Fitness, WOD|Comments Off on Saturday 220815

Thursday 200815

Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of: 400 meter Run 10 Pull Ups

By | August 20th, 2015|Fitness, WOD|Comments Off on Thursday 200815

Wednesday 190815

Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of: 25 Squats 50 Sit ups

By | August 19th, 2015|Fitness, WOD|Comments Off on Wednesday 190815

Tuesday 180815

Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of: 7 Bench press; body weight 1 Rope climb

By | August 18th, 2015|Fitness, WOD|Comments Off on Tuesday 180815