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So far Mick has created 2627 blog entries.

Kids Monday 050318

Term 1 Week 6 WOD DT 5 rounds 12 Deadlift 9 hang cleans 6 push jerks SKILL: Handstand Pushups Ring Dips Monday Kids Class @ 5pm Wednesday Kids Class @ 5pm If you have any questions please email [email protected]

By | March 5th, 2018|KIDS|Comments Off on Kids Monday 050318

Mon 050318

CrossFit Effects - CrossFitCF: Cindy (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)20-Minute AMRAP of: 5 Pull-ups 10 Push-ups 15 SquatsOLY: Hang Snatch (1-1-1)OLY: Snatch Pull (3-3-3)

By | March 5th, 2018|WOD|Comments Off on Mon 050318

Sat 030318

CrossFit Effects - CrossFitPart: Metcon (Time)Partner WOD 60m Walking lunge 50 Push-ups - Plank 50 Double-unders - Row 15 Cal 50 T2B - Hang 5 Rope climb15 ft, - Hang 50 Box jump, 24 inch box - Shuttle run 50 Overhead squats, 95lbs - Air Squat hold 50 T2B - Hang 50 Sit-ups - PlankCF: [...]

By | March 3rd, 2018|WOD|Comments Off on Sat 030318

Fri 020318

CrossFit Effects - CrossFitCF: Barbara (Time)Five Rounds for time: 20 Pull-ups 30 Push-ups 40 Sit-ups 50 Squats *3-minute rest after each round*OLY: Snatch (1-1-1)CF: Hang Snatch Pulls (3-3-3)

By | March 2nd, 2018|WOD|Comments Off on Fri 020318

Thur 010318

CrossFit Effects - CrossFitCF: Snatch (1-1-1)CF: Back Squat (3-3-3)80-85% of 1 rm for all 3 SetsCF: Deadlift (3-3-3)80-85% of 1 rm for all 3 setsExtra: Metcon (Time)3 rounds 20 Pistol Squats 10 T2B 5 Bar Muscle Ups 20m Prowler 100kg

By | March 1st, 2018|WOD|Comments Off on Thur 010318

Wed 280218

CrossFit Effects - CrossFitCF: Paused Front Squat (3-3-3)80-85% of 1RMCF,CF: Metcon (Time)Three Rounds 30 Double unders 30 Box Jumps 10 Muscle Ups,OLY: Clean and Jerk (1-1-1)

By | February 28th, 2018|WOD|Comments Off on Wed 280218