Sat 260222
CrossFit Effects - CrossFitPart: Metcon (Time)Run 800m Swap Every 200m 40-30-20-10reps Bar Facing Burpee Thrusters 38/25kg Row 1000m Swap Every 250m Rx+43/30kg
CrossFit Effects - CrossFitPart: Metcon (Time)Run 800m Swap Every 200m 40-30-20-10reps Bar Facing Burpee Thrusters 38/25kg Row 1000m Swap Every 250m Rx+43/30kg
CrossFit Effects - CrossFitCF: Snatch Balance (1-1-1-1-1)CF: Metcon (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)AMRAP 20min 3 Muscle Up 9 Deadlift 84/60kg 200m Run Rx +102/71kg Ring Muscle Up Age GP 70/53kg Age GP Rx + 84/61kgXtra: Hang Snatch (1-1-1-1-1)
CrossFit Effects - CrossFitCF: Bench Press (3-2-2-1-1)CF: Back Squat (3-2-2-1-1-1)CF: Deadlift (3-2-2-1-1-1)
CrossFit Effects - CrossFitCF: Bent Over Row (5-5-5-5-5)CF: Metcon (Time)Five Rounds Run 400m 20 Wall Ball 9/6kg 20 Sit Up Rx+ GHD Sit UpsXtra: Clean and Jerk (1-1-1-1-1)
CrossFit Effects - CrossFitCF: Deadlift (3-3-3-3-3)CF: Metcon (Time)15,12,9,6,3reps Pull Up Handstand Push Up Squat Snatch 43/30kg Rx + 61/43kg Age GP 38/25kg Age GP Rx + 53/35kg
CrossFit Effects - CrossFitCF: Shoulder Press (3-3-3-3-3)CF: Metcon (Time)Five Rounds 12 Toes 2 Bar 9 Burpee Box Jump 6 Hang Clean & Jerk 43/30kg 30 Double Under Rx + C&J 61/43kg Age GP C&J 38/25kg Age GP Rx + C&J 53/35kgXtra: Snatch (1-1-1-1-1)