Mon 050819
CrossFit Effects - CrossFitCF: Back Squat (3-3-3-3-3)CF: Metcon (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)AMRAP 20min 9 HSPU 12 T2B 15 Box JumpOLY: Snatch (1-1-1-1-1)
CrossFit Effects - CrossFitCF: Back Squat (3-3-3-3-3)CF: Metcon (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)AMRAP 20min 9 HSPU 12 T2B 15 Box JumpOLY: Snatch (1-1-1-1-1)
CrossFit Effects - CrossFitPartn: Metcon (Time)50-40-30-20-10reps Cal (Row,Bike or Ski) Snatch 95lbs Push Press 95lbs SDLHP 95lbs
CrossFit Effects - CrossFitCF: Snatch Balance (3-2-2-1-1-1)CF: Metcon (Time)Five Rounds 10 DB Snatch 70lbs 10 DB Single Arm Push Press 5 Bar Muscle UpsOLY: Snatch (1-1-1-1-1)
CrossFit Effects - CrossFitCF: Shoulder Press (3-3-3)CF: Back Squat (3-3-3-3-3)CF: Deadlift (3-3-3)Extra: Metcon (Time)3 Rounds 30 Cal Ski 10 Snatch 135lbs
CrossFit Effects - CrossFitCF: Push Jerk (1-1-1-1-1)CF: Metcon (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)20 Min AMRAP 5 Pull Ups 10 Pistols 15 Sit UpsOLY: Clean and Jerk (1-1-1-1)
CrossFit Effects - CrossFitCF: Metcon (Time)Five Rounds 21 Wall Ball 15 Push Up 9 Clean & Jerk 135lbsExtra: Metcon (Time)Three rounds 9 Clean & Jerk 155lbs 15m Hand Walk 5 Bar Muscle UpsExtra: Bench Press (5-5-5-5-)