
Saturday 090515

Rest Day Mobility Skill - Kettlebells Catch up Day Bring a Friend at 9am for a introductory Pairs Workout

By | April 27th, 2015|Fitness, Upcoming|Comments Off on Saturday 090515

Friday 080515

Four rounds, each for time of: 800 meter run Rest as needed between efforts. Post times for each round to comments.

By | April 27th, 2015|Fitness, Upcoming|Comments Off on Friday 080515

Thursday 070515

"Grace" 135 pound Clean and Jerk, 30 reps Use 95 pounds, 65 pounds or broomstick as needed and post time and load to comments.

By | April 27th, 2015|Fitness, Upcoming|Comments Off on Thursday 070515

Monday 040515

Ten rounds for time of: 3 Weighted Pull-ups, 45 pounds 5 Strict Pull-ups 7 Kipping Pull-up For weighted pull-ups place a 45 pound dumbbell between the legs above crossed ankles and jettison the dumbbell after third rep and continue with strict pull-ups and then the kipping pull-ups. Coming off the bar or going to ground [...]

By | April 27th, 2015|Fitness, Upcoming|Comments Off on Monday 040515