Kids Monday 290118

Term 1 Week 1 WOD AMRAP in 10:00 10 one-arm dumbbell shoulder presses each arm 10 wall ball shots 100m Run SKILL: 3x 10 ring rows 1:00 plank Monday Kids Class @ 5pm Wednesday Kids Class @ 5pm If you have any questions please email [email protected]

By | January 27th, 2018|KIDS|Comments Off on Kids Monday 290118

Kids Wednesday 131217

Term 4 Week 10 WOD Mystery WOD Monday Kids Class @ 5pm Wednesday Kids Class @ 5pm If you have any questions please email [email protected] Just a reminder that kids classes over the holidays will off. They will start again around mid/late January.

By | November 29th, 2017|KIDS|Comments Off on Kids Wednesday 131217

Kids Monday 111217

Term 4 Week 10 WOD 5x3 minute AMRAPs 12 hang cleans 15 pushups 18 situps SKILL: Strict Pullups Max bar hang Monday Kids Class @ 5pm Wednesday Kids Class @ 5pm If you have any questions please email [email protected] Just a reminder that kids classes over the holidays will off. They will start again around [...]

By | November 29th, 2017|KIDS|Comments Off on Kids Monday 111217

Kids Wednesday 061217

Term 4 Week 9 WOD 5 Rounds 12 Knee Raises 15 Fronts Squats 12 Pushpress 15 tuck jumps SKILL: Wall Walks Monday Kids Class @ 5pm Wednesday Kids Class @ 5pm If you have any questions please email [email protected] Just a reminder that kids classes over the holidays will off. They will start again around [...]

By | November 29th, 2017|KIDS|Comments Off on Kids Wednesday 061217

Kids Monday 041217

Term 4 Week 9 WOD 12 Minute AMRAP 21 Pullups 15 Deadlifts 9 Burpee Box jumps SKILL: 3x 15 sit-ups 30 second plank Monday Kids Class @ 5pm Wednesday Kids Class @ 5pm If you have any questions please email [email protected] Just a reminder that kids classes over the holidays will off. They will start [...]

By | November 29th, 2017|KIDS|Comments Off on Kids Monday 041217

Kids Monday 091017

TermĀ 4 Week 1 WOD 5 rounds 8 kb deadlifts 8 burpees 8 pull-ups SKILL: 3x 15 sit-ups 30 second plank Monday Kids Class @ 5pm Wednesday Kids Class @ 5pm If you have any questions please email [email protected]

By | October 7th, 2017|KIDS|Comments Off on Kids Monday 091017