
Sat 010417

Run 200m 10 rounds 3 Snatch 135lbs 5 OHS 135lbs 10 rounds Run 200m 3 Power Clean 5 Thrusters 135lbs Run 200m

By | April 1st, 2017|Fitness, WOD|Comments Off on Sat 010417

Fri 310317

95 pound Thruster, 21 reps 3 Pull-ups 95 pound Thruster, 3 reps 21 Pull-ups 95 pound Thruster, 18 reps 6 Pull-ups 95 pound Thruster, 6 reps 18 Pull-ups 95 pound Thruster, 15 reps 9 Pull-ups 95 pound Thruster, 9 reps 15 Pull-ups 95 pound Thruster, 12 reps 12 Pull-ups

By | March 31st, 2017|Fitness, WOD|Comments Off on Fri 310317

Thur 300317

For time: Run 800 meters 7 rounds of the couplet: 135 pound Push jerk, 7 reps, and 15 Pull-ups Run 800 meters

By | March 30th, 2017|Fitness, WOD|Comments Off on Thur 300317

Wed 290317

For time: Run 800 meters Deadlift 95 pounds, 30 reps Run 800 meters Hang squat clean 95 pounds, 30 reps Run 800 meters Front squat 95 pounds, 30 reps Run 800 meters Push Jerk 95 pounds, 30 reps

By | March 30th, 2017|Fitness, WOD|Comments Off on Wed 290317

Tue 280317

For time: Run 800 meters 7 rounds of the couplet: 7 Hang squat clean, 135lbs 15 Ring dips Run 800 meters

By | March 28th, 2017|Fitness, WOD|Comments Off on Tue 280317

27 & 28 Mar 2021

CrossFit Level 1 Trainer Certificate Course: The Level 1 Certificate Course introduces the methodology, terminology, and movements foundational to CrossFit. The course is comprised of lectures, movement “break out” sessions for hands-on practice, and workouts. These elements enable participants to better apply the program for personal use and to begin training others with CrossFit. This [...]

By | March 27th, 2017|Fitness, SEMINARS|Comments Off on 27 & 28 Mar 2021