Mon 101218
CrossFit Effects - CrossFitCF: Snatch Pull (3-3-3-3-3)CF: Metcon (Time)15-12-9-6-3Reps KB Swing 32kg T2B Thruster 135lbs Bar Facing BurpeeOLY: Snatch (1-1-1-1-1)OLY: Snatch Balance (3-3-3-3-3)
Sat 081218
CrossFit Effects - CrossFitPart: Metcon (Time)Synco Helen 3 Rounds Run 400m 21 KB Swings 24kg 12 Pull ups
Fri 071218
CrossFit Effects - CrossFitCF: Metcon (Time)21-15-9reps HSPU Ring Dip Push up Run 200m / Row 250mCF: Bench Press (3-3-3)OLY: Snatch (1-1-1-1-1)
Thur 061218
CrossFit Effects - CrossFitCF: Push Jerk (3-3-3)CF: Back Squat (3-3-3)CF: Deadlift (3-3-3)Extra: Metcon (Time)5 Rounds 1 Legless Rope Climb 10 Pistol Squats 24kg
Wed 051218
CrossFit Effects - CrossFitCF: Front Squat (3-2-2-1-1-1)CF: Metcon (Time)Run 400m or Row 500m 12 Squat Clean Thruster 135lbs 12 Muscle ups 9 Squat Clean Thruster 135lbs 9 Muscle ups 6 Squat Clean Thruster 135lbs 6 [...]
Tue 041218
CrossFit Effects - CrossFitCF: Shoulder Press (3-3-3-3-3)CF: Metcon (Time)Three Rounds 12 Snatch 135lbs 15 GHD Sit Up 50 Double UnderExtra: Metcon (Time)Four Rounds 5 Burpee Bar Muscle up 20m Prowler 140kg
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